Transactional emails with Loops simplifies your code. With our WYSIWYG editor and API-like payloads, you can design and manage email templates outside of your codebase, ensuring cleaner code and easier template maintenance.

Unlike older SMTP services, Loops requires the body of emails sent via SMTP to be formatted as an API-like payload. This approach allows you to use Loops’ powerful email editor to craft your emails and keep email templating outside of your application code.

Every email sent over Loops SMTP requires a transactional email to be set up in your Loops account. Note the transactionalId value in the email payload.

Here’s how you can set up transactional emails with Loops SMTP in Laravel:


Create emails in Loops

Create transactional emails in Loops using the editor.

Add data variables to your emails for any dynamic content you want to send from your Laravel application.


Add SMTP variables

To configure Loops SMTP in your Laravel project, add the following values to your .env file.

MAIL_PASSWORD should be an API key from your API Settings page.


Send emails from Laravel

Now you can send emails from your application.

If you haven’t already, create a mailable class, for example AuthEmail:

php artisan make:mail AuthEmail

Loops’ SMTP system doesn’t send full HTML emails directly. Instead, you should provide a structured API-like payload, which Loops will then use to render an HTML email.

Create a view for your email, like below.

You can copy an example payload from the Publish page of your transactional email in Loops.

  "transactionalId": "clomzp89u635xl30px7wrl0ri",
  "email": "{{ $email }}", /* recipient */
  "dataVariables": {
    "loginUrl": "{{ $auth_code }}"

Then add a reference to your template in the Content definition using the text key.

You also need to pass the values for the recipient email address and any data variables in your email. In this case we are using a $user property added to the constructor.

use App\Models\User;

class AuthEmail extends Mailable
   * Create a new message instance.
  public function __construct(
      private User $user,
  ) {}

   * Get the message content definition.
  public function content(): Content
      return new Content(
          text: 'mail.auth-email-text',
          with: [
            'email' => $this->user->email,
            'auth_code' => $this->user->auth_code,
You can omit the view option typically required for HTML emails in Laravel. Loops handles HTML rendering using the provided payload.

You can skip adding values to the Envelope because the “from” address and subject are all defined within Loops on your transactional email.

Now you can send transactional emails.

use \App\Mail\AuthEmail;

Mail::to('[email protected]')->send(new AuthEmail($user));

Note that the email address defined in to() will not be used for sending the email even though it’s a required parameter. You have to provide the recipient’s email to the template itself.

You can read more about sending emails from Laravel in their docs.

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