Jul 2, 2024
Release: Lists
Lists make it easy to manage different groups of contacts and their preferences, all in one place.
Whether you're sending newsletters, product updates, or investor communications, Lists has you covered.
Get started by building your first list or check out the docs.
Release: Preferences
We've integrated Lists with subscription preferences, creating a dynamic Preference Center. Contacts can manage subscriptions independently for each list. By default, lists are private, allowing targeted access (e.g., investor-only lists). You can also make lists public for open opt-ins.
On most platforms, these are two different features you need to juggle in tandem. With Loops, build your Lists and your Preferences are done automatically.
Get started by managing your lists or check out the docs.
Extra update: Slack notifications
Easily get notified in Slack whenever new contacts are added to your audience. This is an easy way to stay in the loop with high priority users.
(This one was built by our intern Tucker. Thanks Tucker!)
Get started by activating Slack notifications or check out the docs.
That's it for this week's releases but we have fresh batch next week and every other week this month. Till next time 👋