You will receive a notification when a contact is added to your audience through the API, integrations or form submission. You will not receive notifications for manually added users via CSV or other methods.

You can manage your notifications in the Notifications page.

Email notifications

By default, you will receive an email notification from Loopsbot when a contact is added to your audience. You can disable this notification by toggling the Notifications enabled switch in the Notifications section of your Settings. If you’d like to receive email notifications again, you can toggle the switch back on. Please note, this is a global setting and will apply to all additional seats in your account.

Slack notifications

While email notifications are great, you may want to receive notifications in Slack. We don’t officially support this, but users have found the following methods helpful in getting Slack notifications for new contacts. This is our recommended method.

Slack email integration

With this method, you will be setting up a dedicated email address to send emails to that channel. This is only available for paid Slack plans.

  1. Create a new channel in Slack for your notifications
  2. Visit the channel settings and copy the generated email address for the channel
  3. Add the email address as a team member in Loops
  4. Visit the newly established Slack channel to confirm the email address

That’s it! All new contacts added to your audience will now send a notification to the Slack channel.

Other options

Here are a few other ways to get Slack notifications for new contacts:

  1. Install an email add-on to send individual emails from Gmail or Outlook to channels or DMs (free)
  2. Create a forwarding address to send individual emails to your DM with Slackbot (free)

View the full documentation from Slack for more information.

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