If you’re regularly adding new subscribers via a form, integration or the API, it’s likely that you will want to send a campaign to new contacts who signed up after you sent it initially.

In Loops, you can do this in two easy steps: duplicating the campaign and filtering the audience.

Duplicate the campaign

The first step is to duplicate the campaign so that you can send it out again.

To do this, go to the Campaigns page and click on the ••• menu icon, then select Duplicate.

Send to your new contacts

When you’re ready to send the email, it’s important that it only gets sent to contacts that haven’t been sent it already.

To do this, on the Audience page of the sending flow, select “Not Sent” from the first dropdown and then the original campaign from the third dropdown.

This will update the total contacts and the table below, which will show contacts that were not sent the original campaign.

Check that everything looks OK and continue sending the email.