Feb 5, 2025
Webhooks now available (in beta)

Webhooks are here! If you want early access, just hit up the live chat in the platform. General availability rolls out to everyone in a few weeks.
Webhooks let you automatically send data from your Loops account straight to your site or app whenever certain events occur. For example, you can keep subscription statuses perfectly in sync between Loops and your own system (useful for product updates, notifications, and more), or feed email send data into tools like Snowflake for deeper analytics.
That way, you can track opens, clicks, and other key metrics in one dedicated place.
Your own personal blocklist

You can now keep your own list of blocked email addresses or domains, preventing any of the more common spam attacks you may notice.
For example, you can input *@example.com to block all email addresses ending with @example.com, or *@*.edu to block all .edu email addresses.
BCC/CC options added
You can now add a BCC or CC to any Loop or Transactional email. This is great for keeping your account executives in sync when a user upgrades (or cancels) or any other creative notifications you have in mind. Just visit Settings -> Tracking to get setup or check out the docs.
Clerk Waitlist Webhooks
We updated our Webhooks sync with Clerk to support their new Waitlist Component. Waitlists just got a bit easier :)
Hightouch integration (Beta)
We have an integration with Hightouch now in Beta. Shoot us a reply to this email and mention Hightouch for early access or check out the docs.
Self-serve Audience deletion
Clean up old or unused contacts without contacting support. Less clutter, more control over your audience (and your bill). Hit the 3 dot icon on the audience page and select "Delete Contacts" to delete any contacts visible in the Audience table.
Filter by Loop send activity
We introduced a new filter to the Audience table, so you can segment folks based on whether they’ve received or opened a Loop or any specific email in a chosen Loop. This makes it simple to exclude users who aren't opening your emails and remove them from your sending.
Double opt-in (coming soon!)

Automatically confirm emails with a built-out email ready to go. Will default to on for new users and be opt-in for existing users.
Loops 2.0 (coming soon!)
We're shipping a new editor soon, it's in the final stages of testing with a large group of designers. We're hoping to have it in your hands soon! Not only does it add some nice new features but it also fixes some rough edges I've had my eyes on. We're getting there :)