Notification Email Examples

Notification Email Examples

A notification email is is an important update sent to users or customers that is informing them about significant changes or activities related to their account. This type of email is key in maintaining transparent communication and ensuring users are kept informed about their account status, security updates, or other relevant information. While often overlooked in favor of more flashy or marketing-focused emails, a thoughtful account notification email can be critical in reinforcing trust and reliability. Here are 16 notification email examples that you can use for inspiration when looking to keep your users informed.

A notification email is is an important update sent to users or customers that is informing them about significant changes or activities related to their account. This type of email is key in maintaining transparent communication and ensuring users are kept informed about their account status, security updates, or other relevant information. While often overlooked in favor of more flashy or marketing-focused emails, a thoughtful account notification email can be critical in reinforcing trust and reliability. Here are 16 notification email examples that you can use for inspiration when looking to keep your users informed.

Full email

Just the copy

Your trial of Slack’s Pro plan has ended

Full email

Just the copy

Your trial of Slack’s Pro plan has ended

Full email

Just the copy

Your trial of Slack’s Pro plan has ended

Subject line

Your trial of Slack’s Pro plan has ended

Why we like it

Slack sends a final notification email once a user's free trial has officially ended. This serves as one last ditch effort for them to convice users that upgrading to a paid account is worth it. They do a nice job of highlighting all of the features that are now locked on the account, accomponied by a friendly image that fits Slack's overall brand. They end the email with links to contact their support team to learn more about upgrading. Overall, the email itself isn't overly salesy and they are hoping that the reminders of lost features will be enough to sell the product.

Full email

Just the copy

You have 3 more days to access Slack’s premium features

Full email

Just the copy

You have 3 more days to access Slack’s premium features

Full email

Just the copy

You have 3 more days to access Slack’s premium features

Subject line

You have 3 more days to access Slack’s premium features

Why we like it

Slack sends this notification email to users who were on a trial for their Pro plan. They're hoping that the timliness of this email prompts users who are about to churn into officially upgrading their account. They know that a user may have a few questions before paying so they have a final call to action that encourages the recipient to chat with a live expert who will likely offer a bit of a sales pitch as well.

Full email

Just the copy

Loops has been downgraded to Loom Starter

Full email

Just the copy

Loops has been downgraded to Loom Starter

Full email

Just the copy

Loops has been downgraded to Loom Starter

Subject line

Loops has been downgraded to Loom Starter

Why we like it

Loom sends this notification email to notify potential users that their free trial has expired. They automatically downgrade your account to the free tier and clearly outline what your account's new limits are. They do an excellent job of reminding you of all the features this downgrade is costing you, hoping to entice users back onto the paid plan. If their mini sales pitch worked, they have a large call to action that allows users to quickly add their payment details in order to resume their ugraded plan. This notification email does a nice job of balancing being informative while also trying to upsell the user at a time when they are most likely to still be considering whether to officially upgrade their account or not.

Full email

Just the copy

A new device logged into your account

Full email

Just the copy

A new device logged into your account

Full email

Just the copy

A new device logged into your account

Subject line

A new device logged into your account

Why we like it

Notion does a very nice job of keeping their new login email informative and actionable. They clearly explain that there was a new login to the account and highlights exactly where it came from (IP address, location, device, time, and more) so that the recipient can quickly tell if this was them or not. If this login wasn't them, no need to be alarmed. Notion offers a CTA button to go into your account to reset your password and enable multi-factor authentication. This is a critical email in ensuring that Notion user's accounts are safe and secure and they do a great job of giving the user all of the information needed to make a decision.

Full email

Just the copy

New login to Spotify

Full email

Just the copy

New login to Spotify

Full email

Just the copy

New login to Spotify

Subject line

New login to Spotify

Why we like it

Spotify uses an account notification email to immediately inform users when their account is signed into from a new device. This helps notify users as soon as possible in case their account has been accessed by someone other than themselves. They clearly inform the recipient that if this was them, there is nothing needed on their end. However, if they didn't just sign into their account their is a large CTA button that allows the user to secure their account to avoid any disruptions in their account.

Full email

Just the copy

Your bank account information has been changed

Full email

Just the copy

Your bank account information has been changed

Full email

Just the copy

Your bank account information has been changed

Subject line

Your bank account information has been changed

Why we like it

Gusto keeps their account notification email professional while also clearly being the Gusto brand. Both of these are important as the notification is coming from a service that handles payroll and banking information. It's important that the user can truly trust the source of the email while also being able to quickly read and understand what the notification is about.

Full email

Just the copy

3 days before your folk workspace is deactivated

Full email

Just the copy

3 days before your folk workspace is deactivated

Full email

Just the copy

3 days before your folk workspace is deactivated

Subject line

3 days before your folk workspace is deactivated

Why we like it

Folk adds some personality to their notification email with the use of emojis. They are sending this email to inform users that their account is about to be deactivated due to inactivity so they are hoping that a playful voice may nudge the user to give them one more try and log-in to save their account.

Full email

Just the copy

IMPORTANT: Price change for {domain}

Full email

Just the copy

IMPORTANT: Price change for {domain}

Full email

Just the copy

IMPORTANT: Price change for {domain}

Subject line

IMPORTANT: Price change for {domain}

Why we like it

Price increase emails are never fun. Google knows this as well as anyone. That's why they kept this price increase notification email strictly professional. They clearly inform the user when the price changes are set to go into affect and include a handful of links that further explain the change as well as links to their help center and support channels if you require additional help in changing plans or understanding the upcoming changes.

Full email

Just the copy

Your account has been merged with your google account from RunYourPool

Full email

Just the copy

Your account has been merged with your google account from RunYourPool

Full email

Just the copy

Your account has been merged with your google account from RunYourPool

Subject line

Your account has been merged with your google account from RunYourPool

Why we like it

RunYourPool utilizes a notification email when a user merges two sign-in methods into one. This helps confirm that their most recent sign-in was successful and that this new method will take precedent over the previously used method, removing any confusion going forward.

Full email

Just the copy

Security alert

Full email

Just the copy

Security alert

Full email

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Security alert

Subject line

Security alert

Why we like it

Google does a great job of sending a notification email when there is a new sign-in to your account from a new device. They know that there is a good chance this was intended by the account-holder so they keep the notification calm and to the point. However, they let you know that if this wasn't you and is catching you off guard, that they can help you secure your account with a large CTA of "check activity". It's important that these notifications are sent as soon as the action happens in case their is a genuine issue but also sent with a calm voice to not incite panic.

Full email

Just the copy

Your order has been executed

Full email

Just the copy

Your order has been executed

Full email

Just the copy

Your order has been executed

Subject line

Your order has been executed

Why we like it

Robinhood does a great job of establishing user's trust with their notification emails. Anytime a user makes a trade on their platform, Robinhood immediately sends a notification email that recaps the entire transaction. This leaves little confusion and ambiguity to a financial transaction that is likely very important to the user. They further instill trust by clearly stating when the transaction went through and when the funds will be available. As a financial platform, it was very important that Robinhood had both clear and descriptive notification emails and they did just that.

Full email

Just the copy

Your data export is ready

Full email

Just the copy

Your data export is ready

Full email

Just the copy

Your data export is ready

Subject line

Your data export is ready

Why we like it

Fathom Analytics keeps their notification emails as bare bones as possible. Aside from their tiny logo at the top, their notification email is all about the user. It clearly reminds the user what website the data export was for with a direct link to download the data. Finally, they do a great job of letting ther user know when the link will expire, prompting them to act fast.

Full email

Just the copy

A new launch from Spotify!

Full email

Just the copy

A new launch from Spotify!

Full email

Just the copy

A new launch from Spotify!

Subject line

A new launch from Spotify!

Why we like it

Product Hunt keeps their notification emails heavily branded, with both their logo and brand colors highlighted throughout. They send notifications for new product launches that they think their users will like, hoping to get them to log into the app to browse and engage with the actual product. They know that notifications can sometimes become a bit too much so they clearly direct users to their notifications setting if they wish to see less of these types of emails.

Full email

Just the copy

[Loops] Your team has uploaded a new list

Full email

Just the copy

[Loops] Your team has uploaded a new list

Full email

Just the copy

[Loops] Your team has uploaded a new list

Subject line

[Loops] Your team has uploaded a new list

Why we like it

Loops keeps their CSV upload notification email simple with light branding that is consistent across all of their notification emails. This specific email notifies users when their CSV upload is complete and offers a resource for users to review if they will be sending an email to this audience for the first time. It's out of the way but offers help to those who may need it during a crucial part of their email marketing journey.

Full email

Just the copy

Here’s your magic link for Iconic

Full email

Just the copy

Here’s your magic link for Iconic

Full email

Just the copy

Here’s your magic link for Iconic

Subject line

Here’s your magic link for Iconic

Why we like it

Iconic keeps their magic link notification email as simple as possible. They know that users who requested this link want to get into their app as quickly as possible so they simply send you one large sign in button without any other distractions.

Full email

Just the copy

{first name} has invited you to the team

Full email

Just the copy

{first name} has invited you to the team

Full email

Just the copy

{first name} has invited you to the team

Subject line

{first name} has invited you to the team

Why we like it

LottieFiles keeps their notification emails clean while still having personality and staying on brand. They are sure to incorporate their logo and brand colors in their CTA button but outside of that keep the email as bare as possible. They leverage specific names — both person and company — to build trust so that the recipient will sign up without much hesitation.